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You are here: Home Archives 2019/1 Library and information at home and abroad Extension of an active working life – threats, obstacles and possible solutions in libraries

Extension of an active working life – threats, obstacles and possible solutions in libraries

Summary:The Association of Librarians and Information Professionals of the Czech Republic (SKIP CR) was one of the partners in a project supported by the European Structural Funds entitled “Joint Actions of the Social Partners to Prepare for Changes in the Pension System”, whose implementer was the Confederation of Employers’ and Entrepreneurs’ Associations of the Czech Republic, together with the Czech and Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions. The impulse for the realisation of the project were the consequences of the pension reform, such as the extension of active working life and the need to prepare for these changes, both on the part of employees and employers. The main objective of the project was to define areas that most often negatively affect the work performance of librarians and propose recommendations that will lead to changes in these areas.

Keywords: libraries, librarians, surveys, work positions, employees, employers, pension reform, work performance, work environment, trade unions

Mgr. Vladana Pillerová; Ing. Dana Smetanová / Knihovnický institut, Národní knihovna České republiky (Librarianship Institute, National Library of the Czech Republic), Klementinum 190,110 00 Praha 1

Dec 19, 2020
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