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Information Commons – principles and elements in Czech libraries

Summary: The article brings insights associated with experience from practical application Conception Information Commons. The text refers to a diploma thesis of the same name defended at the University of Silesia in Opava in 2017. Information Commons is a foreign concept applied mainly to academic libraries that originated in North America and is a model of libraries reflecting the impact of ICT on society. The article introduces the concept of IC and its influence on libraries‘ efforts to respond adequately to the development of ICT and to change the needs of its users. The text introduces the concept of the IC in the Palacky University Library at Olomouc, as an element that has not been implemented, but practically shows its elements. The fact itself that the librarians‘ and librarians‘ innovative efforts to keep pace with dynamic changes in society and to react adequately to them, particularly in the area of ​​user information needs and related information services, is a reality. The article was supported by SGS/9/2016 „Mobile Information Literacy for the Information Society“.

Keywords: Information Commons, principles, elements, Czech libraries, Palacky´s University Library, diploma thesis

Mgr. Anna Pajerská / Knihovna UP Olomouc (The Library of Palacký University in Olomouc), Zbrojnice, Biskupské nám. 1, 771 11 Olomouc; PhDr. Jindra Planková, Ph.D. / Slezská univerzita v Opavě, Filozoficko-přírodovědná fakulta, Ústav informatiky, Oddělení informační vědy (Silesian University, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, The Institute of Computer Science, Department of Information Science), Bezručovo náměstí 13, 746 01 Opava

May 24, 2019
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