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You are here: Home Ethics ETHICAL CODE OF THE REVIEWER


  • The reviewing procedure for the journal “Knihovna – knihovnická revue” is both-ways anonymous. The reviewers do not know the identity of the author and the author is not familiar with theirs. The editors are bound to ensure the anonymity of the contributions by consistently removing any allusion or information that might guide to the author´s name.


  • By taking over the manuscript and expressing his/her consent to work up a survey, the reviewer confirms his/her readiness to immediately notify the editor of a clash of interest, if any.


  • The reviewer obliges himself/herself to secure full confidentiality of any information pertaining to the manuscript.


  • The reviewer will draw the attention of the editors to circumstances that might substantiate a refusal to publish the contribution.


  • The reviewer agrees to assess the articles exclusively from the viewpoint of their professional contents.


  • The reviewer will work out his/her expert opinion personally, to his/her best knowledge and conscience.


  • Then the reviewer will send the duly signed review opinion (in his/her name) to the editor´s address. The review opinion will be kept in the editor´s archives.


  • If the addressed reviewer is unable to elaborate the requested opinion, he/she will inform the editor about the respective reasons.


  • However, the reviewer may also refuse working out of an expert opinion without indicating any reason.

Mar 20, 2015